Preskúmajte nádherné Grenadské ostrovy a vyplávajte z Barbadosu, objavte Martinik, Antiguu, Svätú Luciu, Grenadu, Tobago Cays... na palube najväčšej plachetnice na svete! Kvalita a pohodlie sú heslami tohto veľkolepého morského obra, ktorý je vybavený luxusným zariadením, tromi bazénmi a veľkým množstvom priestorov, ktoré vám poskytnú čistý zážitok z relaxu. Potom nastúpte na palubu a posádka pod vedením skúseného kapitána vás vezme objavovať krásy týchto fantastických karibských ostrovov!

ODLETOVá ZáKLADňA Bridgetown, Barbados
ČAS ODCHODU Check-in v sobotu o 16:00 - Check-out nasledujúcu sobotu o 9:00

Zahrnuté služby

Pomoc pri cestovaní a registračný poplatok
Základné poistenie
Ubytovanie v dvojlôžkovej kabíne
Profesionálna posádka
Plná penzia
Posteľná bielizeň a uteráky
Záverečné čistenie
Plavidlo s prívesným motorom
Šnorchlovacie vybavenie
Závažia a valce SUB

Nezahrnuté služby

Transfery do/z prístavu
Nápoje a liehoviny
Prístavy a turistické poplatky 205 €
Poistenie viacerých rizík (Covid-19 a storno)

od 1 660 € na osobu za ubytovanie v dvojlôžkovej kajute s vlastnou kúpeľňou a klimatizáciou.

Ďalšie informácie

Jazyk Medzinárodná posádka a hostia.
Trieda Ve¾ká loï, Kabína Kategórie 3* + Hotel
Identifikačné číslo produktu 373
Windward Islands from Barbados, Caribbean - ID 373

Windward Islands from Barbados, Caribbean - ID 373 vyhliadka ViacMenej

Windward Islands from Barbados, Caribbean - ID 373

Day 1: Check-in

Boarding on Saturday up to an hour before departure. Our adventure starts from the Port of Bridgetown, a fascinating city with a lively soul, where you can breathe the ancient English colonial influence. Visit the famous Trafalgar Square, or admire the typical coastlines of the Barbados, jagged but characterized by golden beaches with reddish shades, reminiscent of the Sahara.v

Day 2

We then sail from the coasts of Barbados to reach our first destination of the Windward, Saint Lucia. Extremely rich in rainforests, banana plantations, palm-lined beaches and even a volcano, we will be able to observe the magnificent waterfalls of Diamond Falls and walk through the natural gardens, with the opportunity to take a dip in the pool below the falls. The main attractions are certainly the "Pitons", two volcanic cones that rise and emerge out of the sea, symbols of the island. Let yourself be pampered by the hospitality of the locals, and explore the local fishing villages, which seem to never age.

Day 3

After a hearty breakfast, we will have the opportunity to sail side by side with the magnificent Star Flyer boat, which will accompany us on our journey to reach the coasts of Cabrits, on the northwestern tip of Dominica. Here you will have the fantastic opportunity to visit the world famous National Park, 525 hectares of tropical forests, colorful coral reefs and wetlands teeming with native animals. You can move aboard a boat, and the more adventurous can also set off on an adventurous excursion to reach Trafalgar Falls. A great experience will be climbing Fort Shirley, and being enchanted by the wonderful panoramic view of Rupert Bay.

Day 4

The usual morning meal and then navigation to the north, reaching Falmouth Harbor, in Antigua. Epicenter of the Caribbean yachting world, the port of Falmouth is incredibly rich in attractions such as the arsenal, the marina, the old taverns and the famous pubs, as well as a pleasantly friendly spirit of the locals. The old buildings recall the memory of the famous admiral Nelson, one of the greatest naval commanders in history.

Day 5

A sweet awakening, rich breakfast, and then we reach the marvelous island of Saint Kitts, one of the first colonies of western English indies. We visit the colorful Basseterre, where we can have fun playing golf or walking among the ancient buildings used for work on plantations. Later we can relax at the wonderful beach of South Friar's Bay, and for the more adventurous, there will be the opportunity for an exciting rainforest hike!

Day 6

We raise the anchor and turn around, almost retracing our steps, and discover the islands "Iles des Saintes", one of the most evocative archipelagos of Guadalupe. Here you will find enchanting beaches where you can relax or sunbathe, or alternatively, immerse yourself in wonderful aquatic adventures with snorkeling, diving and all the water activities available.

Day 7

So we reach Martinique, the classic French Caribbean island. Wild and mysterious, but urban and sophisticated: it is France with a tropical touch, with something for almost everyone. You won't be able to resist the charm of spicy Creole cuisine and the tempting boutiques of Fort de France. 

Day 8: Check-out

Afer breakfast, we will return to the port of Bridgetown. 

The itinerary might be subject to variations due to weather conditions, safety and technical evaluations of the Captain of the boat. This programming is intended as indicative and non-binding.

Grenadines from Barbados, Caribbean - ID 373

Grenadines from Barbados, Caribbean - ID 373 vyhliadka ViacMenej

Grenadines from Barbados, Caribbean - ID 373

Day 1: Check-in

Boarding on Saturday up to an hour before departure. Our adventure starts from the Port of Bridgetown, a fascinating city with a lively soul, where you can breathe the ancient English colonial influence. Visit the famous Trafalgar Square, or admire the typical coastlines of the Barbados, jagged but characterized by golden beaches with reddish shades, reminiscent of the Sahara.

Day 2

We leave immediately after a great breakfast, and reach the enchanting Grenadine islands, thirty islands of pure white sand and unspoiled nature. We will stay at anchor near one of these, for a pleasant day of relaxation and to charge ourselves up with vitamin D.

Day 3

We sail to our next destination. Our senses will be delighted by the aromas of nutmeg, cinnamon and vanilla that cook in the sun: these are the tropical flavors of Grenada. We follow the Sendall tunnel (built by hand in 1895) up to the Esplanade and the old Ft. George for a spectacular view of the fantastic panorama, of a still largely untouched nature.

Day 4

We dash back through the white waves, and discover four small islands, practically deserted but extremely attractive. The Tobago Cays are in fact a national park where snorkeling is exceptional, a paradise for water activities, where we will explore colorful reefs and fish never seen before!

Day 5

The Star Clipper is usually found in the crag of the young and rugged island of Young Island, just 54 feet from the southern tip of St. Vincent, just 10 minutes by ferry. We'll visit Kingstown and explore the natural harbor of Port Elizabeth in Bequia and the splendid promenade, which will invite us to take a gentle walk along the harbor.

Day 6

So we reach Martinique, the classic French Caribbean island. Wild and mysterious, but urban and sophisticated: it is France with a tropical touch, with something for almost everyone. You won't be able to resist the charm of spicy Creole cuisine and the tempting boutiques of Fort de France.

Day 7

After an abundant breakfast, we head towards the Windward, in particular towards Santa Lucia. Extremely rich in rainforests, banana plantations, palm-lined beaches and even a volcano, we will be able to observe the magnificent waterfalls of Diamond Falls and walk through the natural gardens, with the opportunity to take a dip in the pool below the falls. The main attractions are certainly the "Pitons", two volcanic cones that rise and emerge out of the sea, symbols of the island. Let yourself be pampered by the hospitality of the inhabitants of Soufrière, and explore the local fishing villages, which seem to never age.

Day 8: Check-out

Návrat do prístavu Bridgetown a vylodenie sa očakáva ráno do 10.00 h, po posledných raňajkách na palube.

The itinerary might be subject to variations due to weather conditions, safety and technical evaluations of the Captain of the boat. This programming is intended as indicative and non-binding.


Na palube tejto majestátnej plachetnice, jednej z najväčších na svete, nájdete všetky vymoženosti rezortu v kombinácii s komfortom luxusnej jachty: luxusné apartmány, 24-hodinovú izbovú službu a profesionálnu posádku, ktorá vám bude k dispozícii. Rozhodnite sa, ako chcete na tomto zázraku morí relaxovať; veľké množstvo ponúkaných služieb vám zaručí, že si budete môcť vybrať.

Karta technických údajov:

Typ Plachetnica
Model Star Flyer
Rok 1992
Dĺžka 115.5 m
Šírka 15 m
Plocha plachty 3365 mq
Typ kajuty Apartmán pre majiteľov, Apartmán Deluxe, Kajuty kategórie 1 až 6
Počet hostí 170 
Počet členov posádky 74
Doplnkové služby Klimatizácia, Tropical Bar vonku a vnútri, Piano Bar, knižnica, krb, TV a DVD prehrávač, trezor, telefón, vírivka, izbová služba 24/7

Spoločnosť BeBlue si vyhradzuje právo nahradiť plavidlo uvedené v katalógu alebo mimo katalógu iným plavidlom podobnej triedy a kvality.

Kajuta Deluxe na palube, manželské postele, minibar, mramorová kúpeľňa s vírivkou, dvere do kajuty otvorené na palubu.

Vonkajšia kajuta Superior, oddelené/dvojlôžkové/trojlôžkové postele, mramorová kúpeľňa so sprchovacím kútom.


Vonkajšia kabína, dve dolné lôžka, manželská posteľ alebo trojlôžko, mramorom obložená kúpeľňa so sprchovacím kútom.

VIAC ÚDAJOV: podrobnosti a rozloženie ostatných kategórií sú k dispozícii na požiadanie.