Noleggio barche

Noleggio barche

Con o senza skipper noleggiamo le migliori barche a vela!

Decine di destinazioni nei mari più belli del mondo, con il noleggio barca a vela puoi fare la crociera e vacanza che hai sempre sognato.

Una vacanza deve essere un’esperienza che si rinnova, con il noleggio barca a vela il tuo viaggio non sarà mai uguale! 

Decine di destinazioni dove puoi prendere il timone della tua barca o catamarano. Potrai navigare in tutta sicurezza con barche a vela super attrezzare e dotate di ogni confort. Con il noleggio barca a vela sei tu che decidi dove, come e quando, la vacanza la crei su misura per te e la tua famiglia. Siete un gruppo di amici e volete fare una crociera ai Caraibi? Il noleggio di una barca delle dimensioni e nel porto che volete è la soluzione. BeBlue ha la barca perfetta per ogni vostra esigenza, catamarano, caicco, vela o motore. Cerca nel nostro sito dedicato alnoleggio barche quella che preferisci, scegli la destinazione e salpa!

Prenotazione easy


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Proposte consigliate


Luxury Yacht

Luxury Yacht: la selezione BeBlue delle migliori imbarcazioni con equipaggio dislocate nei migliori mari del mondo...

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Senza Pensieri

Richiedi uno Skipper: comandante, istruttore e compagno di viaggio per una crociera senza pensieri all'insegna di relax e vela...

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Navighiamo in tutto il mondo


Selezionati per te


Barca a vela




Yacht a Motore






Barca a Motore


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Recensioni dei nostri ospiti

4.83 basato su 935 recensioni

(Translated by Google) We booked a mini cruise to Istria for my brother's bachelor party. The entire organizational phase was handled by Emanuele and the Beblue staff with great professionalism, also considering the difficult health and quarantine period. The weekend was nothing short of unforgettable. We had the opportunity to experience the sea in Croatia, seasoned with beautiful sunrises and sunsets and even with the sighting of some dolphins. All accompanied by Gianluca, highly experienced skipper, exceptional guest and very...

Edoardo Tonello


(Translated by Google) I am writing after a weekend Catamaran Mooring course. Nice intense weekend full of knowledge and practice. Clear instructor and very willing to help us reach a high standard of driving and maneuvering. I would recommend it to anyone who has never been on a catamaran and would like to understand something about it before a possible holiday or similar. Thanks Claudio! (Original) Scrivo dopo un corso di un weekend Ormeggi Catamarano. Bel weekend intenso e denso...

Stefano Guidone


(Translated by Google) Beautiful experience in the san blas islands, serious and professional tour operator (Original) Bellissima esperienza alle isole san blas, tour operator serio e professionale

Roberto Cavazza


(Translated by Google) A week full of laughter, singing at the top of your lungs, hugs, wild dancing, crystal clear waters, beaches from film sets, enchanting sunsets, fish of various shapes and colours, giant turtles, blindingly green vegetation, fruits that evoke female sensuality, people who some wonderful confirmations turned out and some wonderful discoveries! Which is the beauty of leaving together with unknown people: a few hours are enough to have the feeling of knowing each other for longer, and...

Nicoletta Manfreda


(Translated by Google) You will not regret it! (Original) Non ve ne pentirete!

Chiara Ferro


Un’esperienza da provare, penso la ripeterò (Translated by Google) An experience worth trying, I think I will repeat it

Mattia C.


(Translated by Google) Great experience and professionalism. Advise!!! (Original) Grande esperienza e professionalità. Consiglio!!!

Roberta “Robele” Azzalini


(Translated by Google) I was looking for a course that would allow me to gain confidence in motor maneuvers on a catamaran and I came across the web by chance with the BeBlue proposal: I found a dynamic reality of serious and professional guys. In particular, Claudio, the tutor of the catamaran mooring course, a great professional and lover of the Art of Seafaring. (Original) Cercavo un corso che mi permettesse di acquisire confidenza nelle manovre a motore su catamarano...



(Translated by Google) Great experience !!!! I found from BeBlue competence and professionalism to improve my basic nautical skills. Highly recommended especially for increasing safety in the delicate phases of mooring and unmooring !!!!! Well done and congratulations !!! Experience to be repeated (Original) Ottima esperienza!!!! Ho trovato da BeBlue competenza e professionalità per migliorare le mie basiche competenze nautiche. Consigliatissimo soprattutto per aumentare la sicurezza nelle fasi delicate dell’ ormeggio e disormeggio!!!!! Bravi e complimenti!!! Esperienza da ripetere

Diego Mantovani


(Translated by Google) Fantastic experience, full of emotions and super recommended for families, couples but also to relax a bit alone. My girlfriend and I got along well from the moment we called curious to have some more information (to which Aurora replied, very polite and kind) at the time of greeting the Skipper at the end of the holiday. Friendly, professional and very helpful staff, clear in explaining, fast and polite. We chose a holiday from 10/07 to 17/07...

chiara ghibaudo


Fantastic organisation, beautiful experience! I'd definitely do it again. Thank you so much!

Sarah A.


(Translated by Google) It was a wonderful experience. Met great people. I thank everyone for this week spent with beblu. (Original) È stata un esperienza meravigliosa. Conosciuto persone fantastiche. Ringrazio tutti per questa settimana trascorsa con beblu.

Angela Di Pietro


(Translated by Google) BeBlue is always a guarantee. After 2 years of Circus, this year in the BeFree I found the perfect formula ... a tour that made us discover beautiful corners, a well-assorted flotilla, organization and availability always at the maximum, relaxation and fun perfectly balanced. What can I say… 5 stars and wind in your sails! (Original) BeBlue è sempre una garanzia. Dopo 2 anni di Circus, quest’anno nel BeFree ho trovato la formula perfetta… un giro che...

Barbara Campana


(Translated by Google) The Aeolian Islands can be fully appreciated only on a sailing boat. In one week we were able to see and appreciate them all, impossible without the professionalism and availability of Sabrina and Gianluca, very attentive to the well-being of the guests and offering a 360-degree experience aboard their YANNIS65S. We immediately felt at ease, pampered and very safe given and perceived the experience of the crew in sailing and managing the boat. The experience of the...

Alessandra Zini


(Translated by Google) I had a great time with Beblue. With them I visited wonderful places (Maldives and Seychelles) that leave you breathless. The agency has taken care of everything down to the smallest detail with special attention that makes you feel at home. I will certainly rebook with them. (Original) Con Beblue mi sono trovata benissimo. Con loro ho visitato luoghi meravigliosi (Maldive e Seychelles) che lasciano senza fiato. L'agenzia ha curato tutto nei minimi dettagli con attenzioni speciali...

Francesca Manganello


(Translated by Google) Fantastic cruise on shantaram catamaran with perfect organization by be blue (Original) Fantastica crociera su catamarano shantaram con organizzazione perfetta di be blue

Luisa Vezzoli
