Croatia enters Schengen: what changes for tourism

Croatia enters Schengen: what changes for tourism

10. January, 2023
The Blue Blog

With the new year comes some good news: ten years after its entry into the European Union, from January 1st 2023 Croatia also enters the Schengen area and the Eurozone, thus becoming the 20th country to adopt the single currency and the 27th to enter the free movement area.

A positive change for the tourism industry, which already represents 20% of the country's GDP and which will probably receive a further boost.


What changes for tourism

For tourists from the European Union this is undoubtedly good news, mainly for two reasons:

It therefore becomes much easier to go on holiday in this country, already a very popular tourist destination.

Discover Croatia from a new point of view: set sail with us

So, what better time than now to visit Croatia? We at BeBlue know it like the inside of our pockets and we will be happy to accompany you to discover the most hidden glimpses and the most evocative landscapes. We have different itineraries to offer you, both in group trips if you want to travel alone, as a couple or with a small group of friends and share the experience with new people; or if you want to rent a boat all for yourself and create your own tailor-made holiday. Here are some suggestions:

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