Let's save the sea from plastic, let's set a good example

Let's save the sea from plastic, let's set a good example

12. October, 2021
The Blue Blog

Let's save the sea from plastic, let's set a good example

The environmental theme is resonating in every corner of the world, Greta Thunberg the Swedish girl turned the spotlight on the problem. Pollution is certainly one of our priorities, perhaps we consume too much and surely wrong. The plastic is first of all to be banned, the reasons are obvious and before our eyes, it is difficult to dispose of and produces irreparable damage. For this reason we want to make a small contribution to raising awareness, given that the sea is our element. As we know and see for years, unfortunately, the waters of our seas are infested with this diabolical material. The plastic seems almost created for our self-destruction, yet we could do without it, certainly with some sacrifice but it is possible.

So, yes, we save the sea from plastic. In our small way we can contribute by not carrying plastic bags or food packages on board. Because when sailing, a gust of wind could cause a bag, bottle, etc. to fall into the water. So the advice is to avoid loading these semi-indestructible casings on board. To fill the galley before departure, we recommend using paper envelopes, which would dissolve if they were in the water within a very short time. In this case we will have a zero environmental impact.

Those who love the sea are sensitive to the environment

It is difficult to find a "sailor" who is not environmentalist at the same time, it is the sea, his boundless beauty makes us be wise. So let us welcome the global awareness that awakens our instincts and above all opens the eyes of millions of people. We are near the collapse of resources, within a few years the Earth will no longer be able to regenerate what we have consumed. The consequences will be dramatic and it is therefore necessary to take the necessary measures now.

The sailboat by its nature is ecological, travels by exploiting the wind and consumes very little fuel only during berths in the port. So the ecological sense is already very present in those who choose this type of vacation. So with every trip, yes, we save the sea from plastic, but we pay attention to everything else, too, we reduce waste! Unfortunately, the bags, the nets of the fishermen, bottles and much more do not only pollute the sea, but threaten whole species of fish and marine fauna.

Save the sea and ourselves

The sea is our lifeblood, without us being doomed in a very short time, its hot and cold currents are the basis of our climate, which unfortunately is inexorably changing due to our unfortunate lifestyle, which we absolutely must change. We need to be responsible, what we throw into the sea today will damage us tomorrow. It's a gunshot fired into the future, which will hit the target from a distance. All this must be stopped, the sea must live if we want to survive, the only way to do it is to take care of it today.

So Greta Thunberg, who is touring the world, with her intentions, we really hope is not just a flash in the pan. Governments must take on the problem and resolve it with virtuous laws, penalizing those who pollute in favor of those who are environmentally conscious. Let's save the sea, the earth and the air, primary elements without which nothing would exist on our blue planet, perhaps the only one in the universe. We conclude with a critical but necessary thought; "We went to Mars to discover water by spending billions ... then we destroy rivers, lakes and beautiful oceans of our Earth"! Something went wrong, let's wait!

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