Weather Forecast 2.0 to plan your cruise

Weather Forecast 2.0 to plan your cruise

12. October, 2021
The Blue Blog

With the latest weather technologies you can plan and organized a safely summer cruise; taking into account that weather patterns cannot be predicted in advance, but with good forecast reliability in the immediate vicinity of departure.

The forecast time frame is not constant and regulated with precise laws, it obviously depends on the climate weather context of the moment: in the presence of a solid African anticyclone the forecast is reliable even 4-5 days away, on the contrary, in a context of storm instability the forecast is not reliable even within 36 hours.

In the latter circumstance, the various updates must be constantly monitored to keep up to date with the material forward-looking changes in the short term.

The most suitable tool to manage navigation is the Meteoroute, which can be built through two modes:

"In the synopsis consultation it is possible to read at an hourly deadline, the location where you are at the established cruising speed. In addition, there is both real wind and wave information with reference to the impact on the boat with respect to the direction of navigation. In this way we could easily imagine how the wave will break on the hull and what kind of navigation we will have to conduct, so take precautions in case," explains Riccardo Ravagnan Meteo Forecast & Services Manager of Meteomed.

The synopsis table is recommended to alternate the charts consultation in order to be able to evaluate the expected marine weather conditions for the areas around where it is intended to sail, to possibly reposition the forecast in the vicinity of unexpected storm conditions.

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